Biological Characteristics and Life Table Parameters of the Olive Leaf Moth, Palpita unionalis (Lep.: Pyralidae) Feeding on Three Olive Varieties in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Former MSc Student, Department Plant protection, Facultyof Agriculture, Universityof Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department Plant protection, Facultyof Agriculture, Universityof Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of HorticultureFacultyof Agriculture, Universityof Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran


Olive leaf moth, Palpita unionalis (Hübner) is an injurious pest of nurseries, of young olive
trees, and also of the suckers of old trees. In feeds on some other such host plants as Ash,
Jasmine and Privet. Knowledge of the biology and life table parameters of the pest species is
needed in any pest management program. In this work, life history traits and life table
parameters as well as the population projection of P. unionalis were studied at 25± 1oC, 65±5
% R.H. and photoperiodism of 16:8 (L: D) on three olive cultivars of: Zard, Rowghani and
Kronaiki. The age- stage, two-sex life table is made used of incorporate both sexes and the
variation in developmental rate among individuals and as well to obtain accurate population
parameters. The developmental time of immature stages (egg to adult emergence) on Kronaiki,
Rowghani and Zard recorded were 35.05, 33.78 and 36.08 days, respectively. The longevity of
the female vs male adults in the three varieties were (9.33 and 7.00), (10.64 and 10.60) and
(10.21 and 8.10) days, respectively. There was no significant difference observed among the
life table parameters of the three tested varieties. The intrinsic rates of population increase on
Kronaiki, Rowghani and Zard were 0.044, 0.049 and 0.047 d-1, respectively. The highest net
reproductivity was found to be 8.61 offsprings per individual on Rowghani. Mean generation
times (T) on the three varieties were 43.56, 42.12 and 42.04, respectively. Overall, Kronaiki
was evaluated as the most undesirable as regards the pest. Therefore, considering other
advantages of the variety and also considering the other pest species, this variety could be
recommended as the most suitable one to largely reduce the pest problem.
